The game, officially known as Q1K3, was created by programmer Dominic Szablewski as part of his entry to Js13kGames, a JavaScript coding competition. What makes Szablewski’s game unique is its file size; as per competition rules, game file sizes cannot be larger than 13 kilobytes (KB). The end result is a game that you can play directly from your browser and, much like the original Quake, looks really fun. Szablewski’s Q1K3 features two levels, five enemy types, and three different weapons to cycle through. Additionally, the game also features some level of environmental effects, including dynamic lighting and robust collision detection.

Thanks to @NoFateNet for the music <3 — Dominic Szablewski (@phoboslab) September 13, 2021 On a side note, if you’re a developer or programmer and you just so happen to be into indie game development, you can check out the contest’s official page for more information. On that note, if you actually like Szableski’s entry, you can also visit his official Twitter page for more information. (Source: Twitter, Techspot, Js13kGames)