EVA was developed in collaboration with Singapore-based AI financial technology company Pand.ai (clever name, by the way). This iteration of the chatbot was originally launched in Singapore last year in May, and is designed to better support SME customers’ banking needs in a fast and secure manner. The bank added that the service provides critical information and useful tools through an interactive interface on all available schemes effectively. Being a conversation-based virtual assistant, EVA comes with the Eligibility Check feature which provides SME customers with instant and consistent answers. These include supplying them with suggestions of the most suitable products, as well as COVID-19 relief programmes. If required, customers can also opt to leave their queries and contact details with EVA, which will enable a CIMB representative to reach out to them directly.
SME customers interested in giving the chatbot a try may do so by accessing the feature which is now available on CIMB’s Business website. For further information, please visit the bank’s official support page via this link. (Source: CIMB Malaysia press release)