Being a prototype device, it is not surprising to see that the device comes with several features that are absent in the final production unit. To start, it is equipped with a slider mechanism similar to PSP Go which requires the user to slide the screen upwards in order to reveal its controller. Better yet, it uses standard SD cards as well, instead of the proprietary flash memory that Sony called PS Vita game cards.
It also apparently has a prototype LAN adapter, but the seller has not included a shot of the item on the product listing. Of course, as a prototype device, you’d expect it to have a number of key features missing. As it turns out, it is indeed missing one very important component – a battery. Price notwithstanding, it’s interesting to see the major differences between the prototype and production version of the handheld gaming device. Out of the many differences between them though, the use of the standard SD card may have been the one thing that PS Vita needed to survive longer. Well, guess we’ll never know for sure. (Source: eBay via GBAtemp)