Sony’s α7 III is already capable of capturing video in 6K. The new sensor will however up the game and capture 8K video using the new sensor. According to early specs, the sensor will be multi-aspect and allow both wide-screen video and almost-square images to be captured on the same sensor. Some of the rumoured output resolutions are rated at 7380 x 4932 (3:2) and 7730 x 4352 (16:9). While people are still warming up to the idea of 8K resolution, you can get better resolution quality by downsizing output from 8K down to the currently used 4K. The new sensor may be used in the upcoming α9 and α7 refresh, or Sony may specifically create a new camera lineup just for it. On the flip side, we may see prices decrease for current full-frame mirrorless cameras from Sony. According to Sony Alpha Rumors, the new sensor will be available for both Sony and its partners soon. As Nikon and Panasonic are are also two of Sony’s major customers, we may see the new sensor pop-up in future cameras from the two companies as well. No specific time was leaked, but Sony’s new sensor could possibly be unveiled during the annual CP+ next year. (Source: Sony Alpha Rumors via DPReview)