Equipped with a 6.7-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED Infinity-U display, the new phone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 while its 5G capability is being provided by Qualcomm Snapdragon X50 5G modem. It also comes standard with 128GB internal storage and can be obtained with RAM configurations of either 6GB or 8GB. On its back is a set of three cameras that are being led by the 48MP f/2.0 main camera alongside an ultra-wide 123-degrees 8MP f/2.2 camera and 5MP f/2.2 depth camera. The Galaxy A90 5G also features a 32MP f/2.0 selfie camera. In addition to the on-screen fingerprint scanner, completing the phone’s general specification is a 4500mAh battery that supports 25W Super Fast Charging technology. Not to forget, the Galaxy A90 5G is also the first-ever Galaxy A model that able to support Samsung DeX feature which is not exactly surprising given its flagship hardware. For now, Samsung has only confirmed the phone release date for South Korea who will receive it on 4 September although no pricing was mentioned in its announcement. We don’t expect this phone to pop up in Malaysia since our 5G network is not yet publicly accessible yet but we can’t deny the fact that this is an interesting addition to the Galaxy A series. (Souce: Samsung.)